Welcome to the website of VALTTERI — a digital influencer based in Helsinki, Finland.

This 22-year-old award winning blogger and YouTuber is highly passionate about things closest to his heart; fashion and music. Creating and expressing himself are what take his breathe away; writing, photography, singing, styling.
This blog is a visual diary to immortalize a part of his life — his sense of style, his thoughts and pieces of his daily life.
He heartily wants to welcome you to be a part of it. Get inspired!


Create your style. Create your journey. Create yourself.

1 Comment

  • Reply
    September 20, 2017 at 15:37

    Valtteri onnistuit ! <33 Mietin, että milloinkahan Valtteri lumoaa mut täällä blogin puolella ja nyt sä sen teit <3 Tää on samanlainen, kun Jannella mutta sopii sulle yhtä hyvin ! Sä ansaitsisit paljon enemmän huomiota ja arvostusta <33 !
    Sinä Valtteri rakkaani olet mun idoli ja esikuva <33 ! Love you so much <33 ! Miss you.. :( <3 !
    T: tosi fani <3333

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